Laser Power Transmission and Its Application in Laser-Powered Electrical Motor Drive: A Review
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Power Electronics and Drives 2021;6 (41):167-184
Laser Power Transmission (LPT) is considered a potentially efficient way for power delivery, especially in long-distance wireless application circumstances and harsh hazardous environmental conditions. In contrast to other Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) methods, LPT has many advantages such as lower device size, focused transmitting direction, high power density, etc. With the development of technology, LPT has been widely adopted in several fields. In conservative industries, the utilization of LPT can resolve the limitation problem in a wired connection. The adverse influence in EMI concerning application and high-temperature fields can be reduced. This paper will give a simple review of LPT, and demonstrate the basic concept of the photoelectric emitter, transmission channel, and receiver material. Based on the recent research about diode laser beam combining technology and high-efficiency multi-junction PV materials, the advised LPT devices for simplest application as laser power motor will be simply discussed.